VIDEO-John McCain Would Really Like Folks to Stop Talking About His Record Regarding Vietnam | American Everyman

by Scott Creighton

 “I am a war criminal,” (John McCain) confessed on “60 Minutes” in 1997. “I bombed innocent women and children.” Common Dreams, here.

John McCain spoke at the neoliberal Hudson Institute recently and he spoke lovingly of the need to use propaganda (state lies) in order to win the current cold war with Russia “without firing a shot”

He also said that when the fake beheading videos first started to appear, “we saw a jump of 30 to 40 percent” of approval of the American people to engage ‘ISIS’ in an unending (ever shifting geographically) war.

Apparently he didn’t understand the connection between those two statements. A little Freudian slip perhaps or just the machinations of a devious mind.

As interesting as that is, it pales in comparison to his opening remarks concerning the recent Trump ruckus. In short, he want’s everyone to stop talking about it.

With a history like his, I can understand why.

Early in the talk, McCain boasts about how his efforts years ago helped bring about the normalization of relations with Vietnam which ultimately served US business interests and himself. What he fails to mention is that part of that process of his involved stomping on the Vietnam vets who were pushing congress back then to demand Vietnam release of certain records that would eventually aid in the release of the POWs who were still being held.

Bitterly opposed by the Pentagon, “The Truth Bill” got nowhere. It was reintroduced in the next Congress in 1991 — and again disappeared. Then, suddenly, out of the Senate, birthed by the Arizona senator, a new piece of legislation emerged. It was called “The McCain Bill.” This measure turned “The Truth Bill ” on its head. It created a bureaucratic maze from which only a fraction of the available documents could emerge. And it became law. So restrictive were its provisions that one clause actually said the Pentagon didn’t even have to inform the public when it received intelligence that Americans were alive in captivity. The War Secrets John McCain Hides

There’s a reason that McCain (son of a Navy admiral) wants to keep records a secret from the American public. His collaboration with his Vietnamese captors is well documented and though it’s not uncommon for soldiers to give into torture and there is nothing shameful about it, his collaboration seems to go far beyond signing a confession.

This is the lesson of McCain’s experience as a POW: a true politician, a hollow man, his only allegiance is to power.  The Vietnamese, like McCain’s campaign contributors today, protected and promoted him and in return, he danced to their tune.

Not content with divulging military information, McCain provided his voice in radio broadcasts used by the North Vietnamese to demoralize American soldiers.

Vietnamese radio propagandists made good use out of McCain.  On June 4, 1969, a U.S. wire service headlined a story entitled “PW Songbird Is Pilot Son of Admiral.” (7)

The story reported that McCain collaborated in psywar offensives aimed at American servicemen. “The broadcast was beamed to American servicemen in South Vietnam as a part of a propaganda series attempting to counter charges by U.S. Defense Secretary Melvin Laird that American prisoners are being mistreated in North Vietnam.”  Douglas Valentine

It’s ironic that McCain would use the smoke-screen of defending Vietnam vets in that interview as a way of trying to get people to stop talking about his history regarding the country both while he was a pampered POW and afterward in congress as well. Ironic because a good number of Vietnam vets and former POWs hate the man with a passion for his betrayal of those left behind. Of course, that not uncharacteristic of a guy who handed over specific information to his captors detailing flight patterns of his fellow Navy pilots.

John McCain’s entire life and career is based on a series of lies. He wasn’t a war hero or a fighter pilot. He graduated last in his class and probably only graduated because his father was an admiral. For a short time, he dropped fire bombs on innocent civilians and in the process of doing that one day, he was shot down, crashed in a lake and was rescued by some of the same civilians he was trying to burn to death. From there his twisted history gets even worse.

During the Hudson Institute interview, McCain starts in with his “bomb Iran” bullshit, calls for Obama to openly attack Assad in order to stop “ISIS” and arm the Nazis in Ukraine. All standard stuff for the war-mongering chicken-hawk, McCain. Understandably, were the public to become more aware of his real history, his usefulness to the masters of the universe as front-man for the endless war everywhere would be at an end.

That’s why he wants everyone to stop talking about his record.

He lovingly makes mention in the talk of when his committee had Henry Kissinger before them to tell them about all the various crises they have stirred up world-wide. That’s the Kissinger testimony where a bunch of  activists stood when he entered and chanted “Arrest Henry Kissinger for war crimes in the name of the people of Vietnam, Chile, Laos, East Timor and Cambodia”

McCain had them thrown out of the committee room and threatened to have the ‘low life scum’ arrested for daring to insult the great Henry Kissinger.

By all accounts, John McCain is a despicable human being whose entire life and career are nothing more than one example after another of him being a sycophant to power. Whether it’s Vietnam or AIPAC or the corrupt power structure here at home, John McCain will get on his knees and service anyone he can just so long as he gets something in return. His life as a whore as made quite probably mentally insane and his interview at the Hudson Institute displays that very clearly. Not only does he lie insesantly about what Putin and Russia are doing in Ukraine, but also now says that it was Russia who shot down Flight MH17. He’ll probably be saying it was Putin himself in a few weeks.

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