Riane Eisler — Center for Partnership Studies




Introduction to the CPS Website


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Caring Economy Campaign (CEC)

If we bring Caring and the Economy together, what would our lives and our world look like?

To view "Hidden in Plain View", the Caring Economy Campaign brochure, click on the image to the right to download the .PDF.

Watch this video and Join the Campaign


Public Policy Work:Social Wealth Indicators

When GDP (Gross Domestic Product) keeps rising at the same time that joblessness is dangerously high and childcare and education are slashed, it’s clear that we urgently need new measurements that give policymakers and the public a more accurate picture of true economic health. In partnership with the Urban Institute, CPS is developing new Social Wealth indicators. These more accurate and inclusive measurements provide the missing empirical evidence essential so policies no longer marginalize the majority: women, children and members of racial and other minorities. 

Caring Economy Leadership Program

CPS’ online Caring Economy Leadership Program is prepares participants to join a growing international chorus of voices speaking out for a saner, more practical economic system -- one that acknowledges that the work of caring for people and the planet is the essential foundation of economic success.

People everywhere are hungry for a new conversation about economics.  We invite YOU to help lead the conversation.

Coalition and Movement-Building:

Together we can bring about real change. There’s strength in numbers. The Caring Economy Campaign coalition brings together diverse organizations representing women, children, civil and human rights, caregivers, health care workers, teachers, socially responsible businesses, faith based activists, environmentalists, as well as bloggers, think tanks, thought leaders, and others working to create a more caring and prosperous economy. The www.caringeconomy.org website facilitates supports this coalition and movement-building through blog postings, fact sheets, videos, reports, action items, and other resources.

Spiritual Alliance to Stop Intimate Violence (SAIV)

The Global Council and National/International Partners of the Spiritual Alliance to Stop Intimate Violence invite you.....

CPS’ Spiritual Alliance to Stop Intimate Violence (SAIV) was founded to build more caring and compassionate cultures by breaking cycles of violence in our families and in our family of nations.

Our new Caring and Connected Parenting Guide—is an indispensable resource for parents and others who care about children. Download if for free now!


Latest Articles and Sample Resources  

Protecting the Majority of Humanity: Toward an Integrated Approach to Crimes against Present and Future GenerationsBy Dr. Riane Eisler, June  2013

Economics as if Caring Mattersby Riane Eisler, March-April 2012"In this superb piece, Riane Eisler tries to untangle the limitations of both capitalism and socialism. There is no place for a caring economy in these models -- no value given to caring for our trees or, as emphasized in this piece, our children. New models are needed, and the author presents the beginning of one. If economics moves in any direction, it should be this one." Jeff Madrick, Challenge Editor.

The State of the Union: Our Real Social WealthBy Dr. Riane Eisler and Kimberly Otis Published in Blogher, January 2012

Dr. Riane Eisler Speaks at UN General Assembly on Sustainable Development  ABC Live story on new approaches to economics and development by Dr. Riane Eisler with other world renowned leaders on UN General Assembly panel.

The Full-spectrum, Job-creation Proposal by Dr. Riane Eisler urges for an investment in our human infrastructure—presented to U.S. President Barack Obama and used by U.S. policy-makers in drafting their final 2009 job creation program.

See more Articles and Resources
