VIDEO-Colbert’s Million Dollar Challenge Is The Most Glorious And Beautiful Trump-Bashing Yet (VIDEO) | Addicting Info: The Knowledge You Crave

Donald Trump made a complete ass of himself when he declared how difficult it was to get by with the “small loan of a million dollars” his father gave him. (Adjusted for inflation, that’s $6.8 million in today’s money.) With his dad’s cash, Trump let loose on the Manhattan real estate market and became what he is today.

What he is today is a self-righteous, entitled trust fund brat who wouldn’t know hard work or sacrifice if it was washing his windows at 125th and 5th. Trump’s “small loan” started him on the road to the billions he’s now worth. Unfortunately simple math has proven that had he done nothing but keep his gifts and inheritance in simple market investments with a financial adviser, he’d be worth much more.

Yes, that means Trump is essentially a business failure. His multiple bankruptcies and questionable business ethics certainly put his economic qualities out there. His refusal to support a living wage and unions and his hatred for undocumented workers adds to how ugly he is, making him a perfectly horrible package inside and out, one who ironically gets most of his personal joy by making fun of other people’s looks.

Stephen Colbert has shown that he has little to no use for Donald Trump. In Wednesday’s episode of the Late Show, Colbert does a fantastic job of putting everything about Donald Trump in its ridiculous, bigoted and unfathomable place. He reminds Trump just what a spoiled little brat he is, how much a million dollars is now, never mind back then and schools him on why he’s a sh*tty human being.

The best part comes with the challenge. Colbert unveils a giant check, with the memo “no big deal,” all ready for Trump to come sign. Made out to the Harlem Children’s Zone, Colbert assures the audience that Mr. Trump would be happy to donate such a pittance to the “people of Manhattan.”

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