Basic Organization Information

CENTER FOR APPLIED RATIONALITY Name provided directly to GuideStar from organization* as of: 05/12/2014: CENTER FOR APPLIED RATIONALITY

Organization Name as listed in the IRS Business Master File as of 11/09/2015: CENTER FOR APPLIED RATIONALITY

* GuideStar encourages organizations to regularly update information on their GuideStar Nonprofit Profiles. This provides richer and broader information about their programs, impact, finances, people and more.

Physical Address:Berkeley, CA 94704 
NTEE Category:H Medical ResearchH99 (Other Medical Research N.E.C.)
Ruling Year:2012 

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Legitimacy Information

This organization is registered with the IRS.

This organization is required to file an IRS Form 990 or 990-EZ.

Institutional funders should note that an organization’s inclusion on does not satisfy IRS Rev. Proc. 2011-33 for identifying supporting organizations.

Learn more about GuideStar Charity Check, the only pre-grant due diligence tool that is 100% compliant with IRS Rev. Proc 2011-33.

Annual Revenue & Expenses (IRS Form 990, January 2013)

Fiscal Year Starting: January 01, 2013Fiscal Year Ending: December 31, 2013

Total Revenue$560,681

Total Expenses$644,478

Revenue & Expenses

Revenue and expense information has not been provided by the nonprofit. Click here if you are associated with this organization and want to provide this information.

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Forms 990 Received from the IRS

IRS Form 990 is an annual document used by approximately one-third of all public charities to report information about their finances and operations to the federal government. GuideStar uses data from Form 990 to populate its database with financial information about nonprofit organizations. Posting Form 990 images on the GuideStar website is an ongoing process.

Forms 990 Provided by the Nonprofit

Financial Statements

Audited Financial Statement is not available for this organization.

Formation Documents

A Letter of Determination is a letter from the IRS to a nonprofit organization stating that the organization has successfully applied for tax-exempt status. In this document the IRS indicates under which section of the Internal Revenue Code an organization is qualified.

Letter of Determination is not available for this organization.


(GuideStar Nonprofit Profile,

GuideStar encourages organizations to regularly update information on their GuideStar Nonprofit Profiles. This provides richer and broader information about their programs, impact, finances, people and more.

May 2014)

Board Chair

This information has not been provided by the nonprofit. Click here if you are associated with this organization and want to provide this information.

Board Co-Chair

This information has not been provided by the nonprofit. Click here if you are associated with this organization and want to provide this information.

Board of Directors

This information has not been provided by the nonprofit. Click here if you are associated with this organization and want to provide this information.

GuideStar encourages organizations to regularly update information on their GuideStar Nonprofit Profiles. This provides richer and broader information about their programs, impact, finances, people and more. May 2014)

GuideStar worked with BoardSource, the national leader in nonprofit board leadership and governance, to create this section, which enables organizations and donors to transparently share information about essential board leadership practices.

Board Orientation & Education

Why does this matter? Without clarity around their responsibilities and expectations, board members are not positioned to succeed. They may find themselves challenged to fulfill their governance responsibilities or frustrated by the expectations that the organization has set for them. BoardSource recommends that every new board member participate in a formal orientation process, and that all board members sign a pledge or agreement committing to their board service and to all of the responsibilities and expectations that come with service. Ideally, board members also should participate in a formal governance training program prior to serving on a board.

Does the board conduct a formal orientation for new board members and require all board members to sign a written agreement regarding their roles, responsibilities, and expectations?
Response Not Provided
CEO Oversight

Why does this matter? Oversight and management of the chief executive is one of the board’s most important legal responsibilities. The CEO or executive director is the board's single employee, and - just like any other employer/employee relationship - regular and written assessment is critical to ensuring that the chief executive and board are communicating openly about goals and performance. BoardSource recommends that boards conduct formal, written reviews of their chief executives on an annual basis, which should include an in-person discussion with the chief executive and distribution of the written evaluation to the full board.

Has the board conducted a formal, written assessment of the chief executive within the past year?
Response Not Provided
Ethics & Transparency

Why does this matter? A commitment to handling conflicts of interests is essential to creating an organizational culture of transparency. Boards should create and follow a policy for identifying and handling conflicts of interest, whether real or perceived. BoardSource recommends that organizations review the conflict-of-interest statement and require signed disclosures from all board members and senior staff on an annual basis.

Have the board and senior staff reviewed the conflict-of-interest policy and completed and signed disclosure statements within the past year?
Response Not Provided
Board Composition

Why does this matter? The best boards are composed of individuals who bring a variety of skills, perspectives, backgrounds, and resources to tackle the complex and strategic challenges confronting their organizations. BoardSource recommends that boards commit to diversity and inclusion by establishing written policies and practices, which include strategic and intentional recruitment of diverse board members, continual commitment to inclusivity, and equal access to board leadership opportunities.

Does the board ensure an inclusive board member recruitment process that results in diversity of thought and leadership?
Response Not Provided
Board Performance

Why does this matter? Boards need to regularly assess their own performance. Doing so ensures that they are being intentional about how they govern their organization, which is a critical component of effective board leadership. BoardSource recommends that a board conduct a self-assessment of its performance a minimum of once every three years to ensure that it is staying on track with its roles and responsibilities.

Has the board conducted a formal, written self-assessment of its performance within the past three years?
Response Not Provided

Highest Paid Employees & Their Compensation (IRS Form 990)

Highest Paid Employee data is not available for this organization.

People information was last updated by the nonprofit in May 2014

Click here if you are associated with this organization and want to provide updated information.

Giving Library

Experience a more personal way to give. The Giving Library connects you to nonprofits through online video interviews with the organizations’ leaders.

Watch this organization's video


Program: (GuideStar Nonprofit Profile

GuideStar encourages organizations to regularly update information on their GuideStar Nonprofit Profiles. This provides richer and broader information about their programs, impact, finances, people and more. May 2014)

Budget:--Category:Population Served:

Program Description:

Program Long-Term Success:

Program Short-Term Success:

Program Success Monitored by:

Program Success Examples:

Impact Summary from the Nonprofit

This organization has not provided an impact summary.