How the Center for Public Integrity is Funded | Center for Public Integrity

Award-winning investigative journalism is priceless — but it is not free. The Center for Public Integrity is fortunate to enjoy the generous support of foundations and individuals around the world.

Funding supports our editorial priorities, such as the environment, money in politics and international reporting, but it never determines the Center’s editorial direction. We maintain a strict firewall between funding and our editorial content. Our funders and donors support us because our investigations are non-partisan, fair, have impact and raise the level of debate on complex issues of critical, global importance.

Our list of funders below is from our 2014 Impact and Innovation Report and covers gifts made in 2014. For more information about supporting the Center for Public Integrity, please contact Abeo Venzor at 202-481-1267.


New and ongoing support of $20,000 and above in 2014


New and ongoing support of up to $20,000 in 2014


Presidential Society

($250,000 minimum)

Executive Society

($50,000 minimum)

Cornerstone Society


Leadership Circle


Integrity Circle


Democracy Circle


Muckraker’s Circle


Reporter’s Circle


Watchdog Circle

The Center for Public Integrity gratefully acknowledges the sustaining support of its 2014 Watchdog Circle supporters who give monthly.

Additional donations

In 2014, the Center for Public Integrity received contributions of less than $250 from 766 individual donors. The total amount of revenue received from this group of individuals was $33,200. In addition, the Center received 105 gifts anonymously, totaling $13,451.75.

Legacy Society

The Center’s Legacy Society recognizes and honors supporters who have made enduring gifts by including the Center for Public Integrity in their estate plans.