VIDEO-Bill Maher on Liberals: They Don't Know S***

Steven CrowderSaturday June 25 2016

No, Bill Maher isn’t a sudden guns right advocate. But he did call out leftists on their lies and/or ignorance on firearms and firearm policies…

“Does it really matter if we are banning certain guns? I’m not a gun expert, but I see a lot of people talking about guns who don’t know s*** about guns. And that’s when the conservatives stop listening. Like, I know a lot of them think that AR-15. ‘AR’ stands for ‘assault rifle.’ It doesn’t. and it’s not an assault rifle. It’s not an automatic weapon. Those are illegal. There are a lot of weapons they’re not even talking about banning that basically do the same thing as an AR-15, because you have to squeeze each round.”

“Washington Post says in 2015, 39 deaths from mass shootings. Of course any death is too many, blah, blah, blah. But, let’s get real. A lot of this is a little bit elitist and a little bit racist, like you were starting to say. It’s like when shootings happen to white people in nice places.”

This is why it’s impossible to take the modern left seriously. Absolutely nothing they say about guns is true. It’s quite remarkable. You would think after all this time they would at least try to learn something about guns or gun owners. Anything! Instead, they sit on the floor of Congress pouting over the fact that they haven’t been granted more power to dissolve Constitutional rights.

“Harrumph, harrumph! I want your rights to guns and I’m not getting off the floor until I have them!”


How about this? How about Congress starts doing their job. How about leftists start educating themselves on firearms and firearm legislation? Moreover, how about everyone reads The Constitution? As a jumping off point. That’s a good idea, right?

As for the most pervasive “gun control” myths. Well here’s a list of the Top Five… followed by a debunking of them. You’re welcome.