KB1OIQ - Andy's Ham Radio Linux download | SourceForge.net

339 Downloads(This Week) Last Update: 2016-12-20 Downloadandy-v20-64bit.isoBrowse All Files



This is a remastered version of Ubuntu Linux. There are 32-bit and 64-bit versions available, as well as a (much older) image for the PengPod 1000.

This version contains a lot of amateur radio software including Fldigi, NBEMS, Gpredict, earthtrack, xcwcp and qrq, XLog and cqrlog, flrig and grig, xnec2c, fl_moxgen, aa-analyzer, owx, VOACAP, glfer, Xastir, gqrx, gEDA, GNU Radio Companion, quisk, direwolf, linamc, FreeDV, wsjt-x, Micro-Fox 15 Config, and a TinyTrak3 configuration program.

Version 20 is updated to match Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS.

This software collection uses the icewm window manager with menus customized for Amateur Radio use. It is designed to be light weight to run on older computers, while still having modern functionality.

Recommended: 1GHz CPU, 1GB memory, and 10-15 GB disk space at an absolute bare minimum (SDR applications will require more).

KB1OIQ - Andy's Ham Radio Linux Web Site



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