SO WHAT?-Russia and The 2016 Election – A Complete and Total “Nothingburger”… | The Last Refuge

Yesterday we highlighted a tongue-in-cheek outline about a transparent foreign official campaigning in the U.S. against Hillary Clinton to benefit Donald Trump, ie. Nigel Farage.

The reason for the outline was to prove a point that even if Russia had an ambassador in the United States actively campaigning to assist Donald Trump – SO WHAT? 

Is the media having a conniption because the Trump Campaign was calling and talking to Nigel Farage?

What’s the difference?

It didn’t happen, but even if Team Trump had contact with Russians about the U.S. election, there’s absolutely no issue with such activity taking place.  Take the name “Russia” out of the equation and it happens all the time, and political activists from the Obama administration have been the single most aggressive political campaigners doing exactly that in other countries.

Perhaps everyone forgets Obama’s former White House official David Axelrod being paid $500,000 by the UK Labour party to assist candidate Ed Miliband, in the 2015 British election.  (Below left)  Oh, and he lost.

Perhaps everyone forgets former national field director for President Obama’s 2012 reelection campaign, Jeremy Bird, being involved in an opposition effort to remove Benjamin Netanyahu from office and campaigning for Isaac Herzog in Israel.  Or Secretary of State John Kerry (above right) openly doing everything he could to advance Herzog’s chances over Netanyahu in 2015.  Oh, and he lost too.

Was CNN, The Washington Post or New York Times calling for investigations of President Obama’s interventionist political activity?  Same/Same.

Both David Axelrod (Miliband) and Jeremy Bird (Herzog) lost.   These are just two recent examples of President Trump officials and advisors working to “manipulate” the elections of foreign governments; did CNN broadcast 24/7 coverage of outrage in those campaigns?

Especially considering the reality that one of those campaigns was specifically against a sitting democratically elected ally of the United States, Benjamin Netanyahu in Israel?

Again, think about it.

Remember President Obama campaigning in London, England on behalf of the liberal politicians in the UK who wanted to remain in the EU ahead of the Brexit referendum?  Same/Same.  And U.S. taxpayers paid for Obama’s trip to the U.K. to campaign on behalf of the Remain Camp.  Was the media up-in-arms about spending U.S. taxpayer money to interfere in the British nationalist referendum?

Think about it.

If Canada’s liberal Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was campaigning on behalf of Hillary Clinton in 2016 would it be an issue?  Of course not.  Same/Same – ie. who cares?

Did the Mexican government openly oppose the U.S. presidential candidacy of Donald Trump?  Of course it did.  Were there voluminous outlines on CNN about the inappropriateness of that? Of course not.  Same/Same – ie. who cares?

The entire narrative about Russia having a preferred outcome in the U.S. election is a complete nothing burger.  Of course Russia would have an opinion; so would, and did, just about every nation on the planet.  Sheeesh has everyone forgotten the reported anti-Trump “world marches” the weekend after the U.S. inauguration of President Trump.  Hello?..

Or what about President Obama calling for Egyptian President Hosni Mubarek to step down from his leadership position in Egypt in 2010/2011…. Or even more extreme how Obama and Hillary Clinton worked with Nicolas Sarkozy to leverage U.S. military via NATO to kill Libyan leader Muammar Kaddaffi in 2011 without any input from congress?  Now, that’s some serious “we came, we saw, he’s dead” type intervention.

The point is, everyone is going so far into the weeds on the ‘Vast Russian Conspiracy’, that no-one is left to objectively look at the screeching pundits and say “SO WHAT”?

What exactly do you think Senator John McCain and Senator Lindsey Graham spend all of their time jaunting all over the world doing?  They are engaging themselves in the outcomes of foreign countries politics.  That’s just about their entire full-time job.  Ambassador Kislyak is a nosey Russian version of Senator John McCain.  Same/Same.

So what if the very worst case scenario is found to be true.  The Trump campaign talked to Russians; it’s not, and they didn’t, but so what if it was – and they did?  What is the issue with Trump Campaign officials talking about the U.S. election outcome with Russian emissaries?  So what?

There’s no there, there.  And even if there was some there, there – so what?  This is a hyper-constructed partisan media narrative with no relevance – except for those inside a DC bubble to find perpetual offense to their candidate Hillary Clinton losing an election.

Your thoughts?

