Cannabis Helps With Exercise: Study Finds That 'Runner's High' Is Real - GQ

New research suggests that chemicals inside cannabis helps fight fat and fit freaks to get fit.

While cannabis is best known for nailing your arse to the couch, some intrepid scientists are finding that it can actually be quite the training buddy. 

Researchers from the University of Sydney found that tetrahydrocannabinol, the magic genie that gives cannabis its oomph, is quickly transferred from the blood stream to fat cells. Where it can chill for months, supposed as you work your way through every season of Game Of Thrones.

When you do find sufficient motivation to get moving – with say a moderate 35-minute session on a stationary bike – a curious thing happens. 

The THC in your blood substantially rises: which is a bad thing if you’re interviewing for a job where a drug test requires a sample but a good thing if you’re trying to lose a few kilos as it means this fat is being used as fuel. 

Science is effectively saying that cannabis could help your weight loss. As long as you actually follow it up with some exercise and good food choices afterwards.

Another study published in the American Journal of Medicine found an interesting relationship between cannabis and insulin, a hormone released in the body to break down sugars. 

The more insulin you have, the more fat your body stores. It also prevents you from burning fat. The study found that weed smokers have on average 16 per cent less fasting insulin and 17 per cent lower insulin levels than those who abstained. 

The key, apparently, to mixing training and cannabis is finding the right ratio of cannibidiol (CBD) compound to THC. Somewhere around 5:2 is the go say those in the know as this lowers stress levels so you can focus better on your distance and speed goals. 

Sativa strains are best for energy shots while Indica varieties are motivation killers.

Ultimately, if you do want to mix these areas of your life, it’s about starting slowly and knowing your tolerance levels. You could well end up doing more harm than good.


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