Former MTV VJ - Adam Curry - Conspiracy Crackpot

LaPorte may be an atheist (I think he's Jewish) but a skeptic he certainly is not. Just listen to his podcast anytime an Apple product launches.

You must have missed just about every episode of TWiT, MacBreak Weekly, and The Tech Guy in the past three weeks.  He calls Snow Leopard "Snow Job" and says it should have been released as a service pack.  He also rails on David Pogue, who got the exclusive interview with Steve Jobs after the 9.9.09 event, for not following up on questions about why the new iPod Touch doesn't have a camera even though leaked pictures of the internals from early this summer showed the camera and on the released version the spot for the camera hardware is simply empty.  If Leo seems like a Fanboy it must be because Apple generally makes good products. 

You are correct about Leo's religious beliefs:

@randypeterman I'm an atheist, but any educated westerner should know the

Bible.8:36 AM Jun 11th, 2008 from web in reply to randypeterman