Naloxone in NYC


Find Naloxone

Naloxone is a medication that reverses overdoses from opioids such as heroin and prescription painkillers. New Yorkers can get this life-saving medication without prescription at certain community-based organizations and participating pharmacies including Duane Reade, Walgreens, Rite Aid and CVS.

Use the NYC Health Map to find a participating pharmacy near you, or download a list (PDF).

To access free naloxone, contact any of these community-based programs (PDF).

Naloxone is available to anyone who is at risk of opioid overdose — or knows someone who is. Opioids include prescription painkillers and heroin. Both can put people at risk of overdose. Learn more about how to prevent overdose.

Naloxone Quick Facts

How to use Naloxone

Naloxone can be given as a nasal spray or as an intramuscular injection. There are currently two products available for each method:

Make sure you know how to use your naloxone product so that you are prepared to respond during an overdose event. Watch Prevent an Overdose [Español] [Русский], a helpful video on how to administer intranasal and intramuscular naloxone.

IMPORTANT: Tell others where your naloxone is stored and how to use it.

Naloxone Campaign Resources

Each day in NYC, about 3 people die from a drug overdose. "I saved my..." (PDF) [Le Salvé la vida a mi...] is the citywide campaign to show New Yorkers that they can help save lives by learning about overdose prevention, and by carrying and using naloxone.

New York City also has a mobile app, Stop OD NYC, which shows you how to recognize and prevent opioid overdoses, and where to find naloxone near you.

Additional Resources