Jill Filipovic - Wikipedia

Men's rights groups Edit

Filipovic has been an outspoken critic of A Voice for Men.[16]Michelle Goldberg, writing in The Washington Post, said she had been "singled out by [men's rights groups]" for her criticism.[17] She was also cited in Hate Crimes in Cyberspace as a victim of hate crime for her feminism. According to Kerryn Goldsworthy, she has been Googlebombed by her detractors.[19]

TSA and civil liberties Edit

A Transportation Security Administration (TSA) screener was fired after Filipovic used her blog to describe an incident in which a handwritten comment was left in her luggage. She later wrote "I would much prefer a look at why 'security' has been used to justify so many intrusions into our civil liberties".[20]

Beauty pageants Edit

Filipovic has been noted for her writing about beauty pageants, saying "the norms that these contests promote are unfortunately not ... obsolete ... we pay lip service to women's rights, but focus more on how good women look in a bathing suit".

Name change Edit

Filipovic's opposition to name change for women who marry (published in The Guardian) was cited as recommended reading on the social construction of gender in Critical Encounters in Secondary English: Teaching Literacy Theory to Adolescents.

Rasmea Odeh Edit

Filipovic questioned Palestinian activist and former Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine member Rasmea Odeh's participation in progressive organizing. Filipovic stated that even if accounts of Odeh's torture and sexual assault were true, participation in terrorist acts was one of her "hard lines."[23][non-primary source needed ]
