CMHC Voices Against Violence - MasculinUT

About MasculinUT
Project Goals and Guiding Principles
Why does UT Austin need MasculinUT?
Campus Partners
Previous Events
What do Healthy Masculinities Look Like?
What is Restrictive Masculinity?
Masculinity and the Intersections of Social, Cultural and Political Identities
Poster Campaign
Get Involved

MasculinUT is a project by Voices Against Violence in the Counseling and Mental Health Center led by a steering committee of UT Austin students, faculty, and staff. We aim to promote healthy masculinities on the UT Austin campus through public events, educational workshops, and other forms of student involvement. Our goal is to impact campus culture to increase acceptance of gender diversity, promote healthy relationships with an emphasis on consent, and prevent interpersonal violence.

Interested in getting involved or joining our mailing list? Contact us at:

Upcoming Events/Projects:

Previous Events: