Elizabeth Warren’s Heritage Played No Role in Her Hiring | Elizabeth Warren for Massachusetts

Fact: Elizabeth Warren's Heritage Played No Role in Her Hiring

"In the most exhaustive review undertaken of Elizabeth Warren’s professional history, the Globe found clear evidence, in documents and interviews, that her claim to Native American ethnicity was never considered by the Harvard Law faculty, which voted resoundingly to hire her, or by those who hired her to four prior positions at other law schools. At every step of her remarkable rise in the legal profession, the people responsible for hiring her saw her as a white woman."

Elizabeth graduated from the University of Houston and Rutgers Law School, and became one of the country’s top experts in bankruptcy, commercial law, and the financial pressures facing working families. The people who recruited Elizabeth to her teaching jobs, including Ronald Reagan’s former Solicitor General, all confirm: they hired her because she was an award-winning legal scholar and professor and they were unaware of her family’s heritage.

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Deep Dive: The Story of an American Family

Elizabeth grew up in Oklahoma in a hard-working family that was hanging on by their fingernails to their place in the middle class. Her mother’s heritage was an important part of her family’s history. She never thought to question it or ask for documentation. But DNA analysis concludes that there is "strong evidence" that Elizabeth’s DNA "contains Native American ancestry."

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Disgusting: When Racism & Slurs Become Political Strategy

Donald Trump uses racism, sexism, homophobia, bigotry and hate to divide and distract us while he rigs the system for the rich and powerful. But our country’s disrespect of Native people didn’t start with President Trump. It started long before President Washington ever took office.

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Full Archive: Explore All the Documents & Testimonials

Review documents from Rutgers University, the University of Houston, University of Texas, University of Pennsylvania, and Harvard University about Elizabeth Warren. Then hear directly from her colleagues and peers as they state for the record: Elizabeth’s family heritage had no role whatsoever in her incredible academic career.

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[My parents] are gone, but the love they shared, the struggles they endured, the family they built, and the story they lived will always be a part of me. And no one — not even the president of the United States — will ever take that part of me away.
