Intersectionality Score Calculator | #IntersectionalityScore

White Person of Colour

Straight Gay

Male Female

Cisgender ? Transgender

Cisgender basically means that you identify with the gender on your birth certificate. The word exists to serve as an opposite to transgender.

Rich Poor

Younger Older

Able-bodied Disabled

English First Language English Second Language

Born in USA Born Elsewhere

More Educated Less Educated

Not Christian Devout Christian

Not Muslim Devout Muslim

Not Jewish Devout Jewish

Scroll to the top to see your intersectional score!

Why sliders?

We believe that people fit along a spectrum of identities. For example, you might be slightly bisexual, somewhat poor, Jewish but rarely wear a yarmulke, and native born but travel frequently abroad. By having the option to be 'somewhere in the middle', this gives a more accurate assessment of your intersectionality score.

How can I improve my score? Unfortunately, you are born with most of your intersectional factors. However, you can make some improvement to your score by getting more involved with Islam or Judaism, donate all excess wealth to charity, or explore the wild side of your sexuality. The easiest way to improve your score, however, is to champion the intersectionality of your more-marginalized friends. You may award yourself up to 5 points depending on the level of your activism.

Why include religion?Some have commented that the religious sliders are anti-Semitic, Islamophobic, atheistophobic or possibly even Christianophobic. They are included to show that a complete intersectionality score embraces the diversity of religious thought if they are of a minority groups.

Can I be accused of being oppressive even if I have a high score?Yes, having a high intersectionality score doesn't completely immunize you from being called an oppressor. You may be vulnerable to "weakest link" attacks - that is, being called an oppressor on any of the intersectionality factors by those disadvantaged in that factor. For example, a gay black man could still be accused of being a misogynist by women or a poor, immigrant woman could be called transphobic by a transperson. Again, we suggest you publicly show your support for more oppressed groups.

What about peanut allergies?We know that 100s of other factors such political affiliation, height, attractiveness, weight and even peanut allergies can impact your personal intersectionality score. Hopefully, we will be able to address these factors in the future.

What's the goal here?We hope that this calculator will help fight ableism, ageism, anti-Semitism, biphobia, cissexism, classism, homophobia, Islamophobia, racism, sexism, transphobia, ethnocentrism, xenophobia and discrimination (even prejudice) of all forms regardless of your race, country of origin, sexual orientation (e.g., bisexual, nonbinary, intersex, lesbian, queer, trangender, or asexual). We are for social justice and equity!