Rumors of deadly Variant outbreak at Waldorf Astoria in Beijing… Putin staying there… – CITIZEN FREE PRESS

Posted by Kane on February 5, 2022 5:16 pm


Miles Guo is the original source. Keep that in mind. This very easily could be propaganda to damage China during the Olympic Games.

The story is being reported by Benjamin Harnwell who works as Beijing correspondent for War Room.

“Vladimir Putin is staying at the Waldorf Astoria In Beijing and three people have died at Beijing’s Waldorf Astoria hotel — reports noted violent spasms and convulsions before death.”

Dr. Malone mentioned a new hemorrhagic fever virus in China

Virus Infection Emergency at the Beijing Winter Olympics

1. An hour before the live broadcast, 16 confirmed virus cases were detected among Vladmir Putin’s aides. There were also three deaths in the hotel where Putin resided, although it is unknown so far whether the three deaths are Putin’s aides or hotel employees. Furious at the incident, Putin cursed in the hotel. Mr. Miles Guo indicated this incident is very abnormal from any perspective.

2. A sniper security guard stationed in Pangu Hotel fell to the ground and died, which shocked Xi Jinping.


There have been rumors for a few weeks of a new deadly variant in China.

Dr Malone was right. There are tons of articles talking about a hemorrhagic fever virus circulating in China now that is triggering the CCP to lock down again

Beijing Olympics start in 25 days

— Truckistan Amb. Poso 🏁 (@JackPosobiec) January 10, 2022

This morning, our community notified the start of the hemorrhagic fever vaccination. This is really fast. When we went there, there was already a long queue, and there were so many people.

— 觉醒者 (@Theresa75226936) January 27, 2022

About 86 miles from Beijing, the capital of China where #Beijing2022 will be hosted, Tianjin is implementing a large scale throughout lockdown as covid variant epidemic grows. #天津 #包子@SolomonYue

— Northrop Gundam Freedom 🇺🇸 🍊 (@GundamNorthrop) January 8, 2022