• Gap Focused Thinking
  • A picture named NA-656-Art-SM.jpg
  • Direct [link] to the mp3 file
  • New: Directory Archive of Shownotes (includes all audio and video assets used) nashownotes.com
  • NA-656-Art-BIG
  • Gap Focused Thinking
  • Executive Producers: Sir Terry the cheap bastard of mobile bay, Sir Kurt of Team Winky, Sir Don Tomaso Di Toronto, Sir David Foley Grand Duke of the USA, Nicholas J Raimondi, Richard Riley
  • Associate Executive Producers: Tyler O'Brien, Brian Hall AKA Sir Ludark Babark Fudgefountain, Sir Don Kuehl, Timnonymous
  • 656 Club Members: Sir Don Tomaso Di Toronto
  • Become a member of the 657 Club, support the show here
  • Knighthoods: Terry Stelly -> Sir Terry the cheap bastard of mobile bay, Kurt Winkelmuller -> Sir Kurt of Team Winky
  • New: Directory Archive of Shownotes (includes all audio and video assets used) nashownotes.com
Last Modified 02/17/2024 17:18:37 by Freedom Controller